Monday, April 29, 2019

Gate for Migration / Study in Singapore - Diploma in Life Science

Do Not miss this Opportunity. 

Intake - 3rd week of May

Complete your Life Science Dip in Singapore in 12 months.
and gain entry qualifications for a Science Degree at La Trobe University - Australia.

we make your dreams true

Thursday, April 11, 2019

ඔබ තවමත් ප්රමාද නැත

අවස්ථාව අත ළඟ තවමත් ඇත. අධ්‍යාපනය මිස අන් මගක් නැත. 

ඔබගේ දක්ෂතා හා රුචිකත්වය පදනම් කරගෙන ඔබට සරිලන විෂය පථය හඳුනාගැනීමට අපි ඔබට සහය වන්නෙමු.
ඔබ කළ යුත්තේ සරළ වැකි කිහිපයක් ඉදිරියේ ඔබේ රුචිකත්වය සලකුණු කිරීම පමණයි.

නුපුහුණු සේවකයෙක් ලෙස දුක්ගැහැට විඳිමින් සොච්චමක් උපයන වේදනාවට තිත තබමු.
GIPS සමඟ අත්වැල් බැඳගනිමු. 

විශ්ව විද්‍යාල පාඨමාලාවක් හෝ රජය පිළිගත් වෘත්තීය පුහුණු පාඨමාලාවකට එක්වන්න. 

පාඨමාලාව අතරතුර අනිවාර්ය ප්රායෝගික රැකියා පුහුණුව

පුහුණු කාලය තුළ ඔබගේ දක්ෂතා අනුව ස්ථිර රැකියා අවස්ථා

සිංගප්පූරුවේ අධ්‍යාපනය හදාරා ඔස්ට්රේලියානු හෝ මහා බ්රිතාන්‍යයේ සුදුසුකම් ලබා ගන්නටද අවස්ථා සුලබව ඇත.

දැන්ම අමතන්න

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Diploma in Sports Science


The Diploma in Sport and Exercise Sciences (Exercise and Fitness) is designed to meet an increasing demand and need for health, exercise and fitness practitioners to help improve the health and fitness levels of health-conscious individuals, gym members, and corporate clients.  Students pursuing this programme can expect to be industry ready and relevant through a rigorous programme aimed at equipping them with practical knowledge on sport and exercise sciences, personal training and the management of lifestyle and weight.

Course objectives

  • To provide students with core knowledge on subjects related to sports and exercise sciences such as nutrition, psychology, functional anatomy, and strength and conditioning;
  • To apply the above knowledge toward developing skills in personal training and lifestyle/weight management;
  • To equip students with hands on and industry-related experience through quality supervision and applied projects;
  • To prepare students for the award of the qualification of the Diploma in Sport & Exercise Sciences (Exercise and Fitness) 

Target Audience

Sport Coaches who wish to:
  • Acquire adequate knowledge pertaining to the sport, exercise and leisure industry
  • Acquire practical and theoretical knowledge in sport and exercise sciences
  • Acquire competency in Personal Training and Lifestyle & Weight Management


Professional Accreditation

This diploma is accredited by the International Sports Professional Association (ISPA) - the largest international accreditation body for professionals serving athletes and athletic communities worldwide. The ISPA is also a specialty certification authority best known for the creation of the first and only certification for healthcare providers whom treat and rehabilitate patients of workers' compensation (CWcHP).

The ISPA Accreditation signifies PSB Academy's commitment to provide education at the highest possible standards & practices. Students graduating from this ISPA-accredited programme are rewarded with an excellent credential for professional and career development.


Practical Facilities

Full-fledged campus with well-equipped sports science lab.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

May Intake - GIPS Sri Lanka & PSB Singapore Partnership Programme

List for the Diploma levels (1-year duration)

01.   Diploma in Business Administration
02.   Diploma in Business Administration Digital Marketing
03.   Diploma in Business Administration (Accounting and Finance)
04.   Diploma in Business Administration (Supply Chain Management)
05.   Foundation Diploma in Life Science 
06.Certificate in Business Management (6 months Duration)

 will be starting on 13/05/2019 as Standard commencement in May/2019.

Diploma in Business Administration - Contact 0773282556

Diploma in Business Administration
This programme is designed to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the business and commercial environment. The programme offers an applied appreciation of core business disciplines such as accounting, economics, management, marketing and business statistics, with a particular emphasis on knowledge and skills that are necessary for students.

Career Opportunities
·       Business Administration
·       Customer Service
·       Business Development
·       Marketing etc

Full-Time pathway
Upon successful completion of the Diploma programme, graduates can advance directly into Year 2 of the following programmes with possible completion in 16 months:
·       The University of Newcastle
o   Bachelor of Business with Major in: - Entrepreneurship & Innovation - International Business - Leadership & Management and Marketing
o   Bachelor of Commerce with Major in Accounting
·       University of Wollongong
o   Bachelor of Commerce (Management and Marketing)
·       Coventry University

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Special Vocational and Career Development Session

Last Saturday 30 of March, as GIPS we had a special Vocational and Career Development guiding session for a young crowd at Calvary Centre, Ja-Ela. We are happy to say more than 30 participants were there and they were very interested about the session.

We believe that we did our best to educate them regarding career life development and inspire them to have a better future.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

New Branch

We are pleased to inform, GIPS has opened its new branch at OKI international School - Wattala.

Currently we planed to offer following courses at OKI international School-Wattala,
  • English language (Certificate & Diploma courses with Uva Wellassa University)
  • Hospitality and Tourism (Certificate & Diploma courses with Uva Wellassa University and TVEC)
  • Diploma in Child Care (course with  TVEC) 
  • Information Technology
    • Certificate in mobile application developing (course with Uva Wellassa University and TVEC

Gate for Migration / Study in Singapore - Diploma in Life Science

Do Not miss this Opportunity.  Intake - 3rd week of May Complete your Life Science Dip in Singapore in 12 months. and gain entry q...